Communication Mentor

The objective of the ICD® Level IV Communication Mentor Program is to develop an organizer's skills and knowledge in the areas of training, coaching, motivating, communicating and leadership. This program allows intermediate and advanced organizers to work independently and with peers and, in the process, expand and improve their training and communication skills. This development process will also assist the candidates with their own current and future client work. In addition, this program requires publishing and presenting of material to further individual and group knowledge.

General Requirements:

To participate in this program an organizer will need to

  • Be a current ICD subscriber.
  • Be working professionally with at least one CD client.
  • Have received the CPO-CD® credential. 
  • Attend Program Orientation 
  • Attend four one-hour labs 
  • Attend two ICD mentoring classes 
  • Attend two coaching classes and participate in practice coaching sessions
  • Complete four book annotations 
  • Act as an education mentor for at least two ICD subscribers in the pre-CPO-CD® stages of their ICD education 
  • Facilitate a Level III class meeting and be prepared to act as a resource to the class
  • Participate in least one Peer Review as a panelist
  • Complete ICD service in the areas of Writing, Presenting, and Leadership

Total Time Commitment: The program is 10 to 11 months, from November of one year until the following September. 

Contact the Certification and Services Director for the current application form.

Upon completing all the requirements for the Level IV Communication Mentor program,  candidates must submit the Level IV Completion Form.

Please contact the Certification and Services Director for the latest completion application

Click here for information regarding Recertification


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