The ICD Code of Ethics

  • Supports the mission of ICD.
  • Establishes principles that define ethical behavior and best practices of ICD subscribers.
  • Serves as an ethical guide designed to assist subscribers in constructing a professional course of action that best serves those using the services of ICD subscribers.
  • Provides the basis for processing ethical complaints and inquiries initiated against those who are subscribers of ICD.

Professional Conduct with Clients

1. I will only offer professional services in those areas in which I am qualified, and I will accurately represent those qualifications in all verbal and written communications.¹
2. I commit to possess and acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and training to be proficient and relevant in addressing client needs.
3. I will encourage my clients to seek the services of other professionals if I believe the client would benefit from additional support.

Business Practices

4. I will respect and not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.¹
5. I will conduct and market my professional work in a legal and ethical manner and will not engage in deceptive acts or practices.
6. I will communicate my fee and expense structure to my clients prior to starting work.¹


7. I will respect client confidentiality, including all client records unless otherwise authorized by the client, or as required by law.

Conflicts of Interest

8. I will seek to avoid conflicts between my interests and the interests of my clients.
9. I will discuss with my client how to resolve any potential or actual conflict of interest in a way that best serves my client.
10. I will not allow compensation from third parties to dictate my recommendations of goods or services to my clients.

Limits of ICD

Professional organizations have a code of ethics which illustrates standards of professional conduct that support the mission of the organization. As a non-profit organization, the Board has no responsibility nor legal authority or jurisdiction to regulate or enforce possible violations, only the responsibility to provide ICD's expectations related to ethical behavior.

ICD subscribers are professionals who are expected to practice their profession in an ethical manner. They have agreed to abide by the ICD Code of Ethics as a condition of subscriber status. Compliance is also a condition for retaining one's certification as a CPO-CD®, Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization.
A complaint relative to the ICD Code of Ethics may be filed only by a current subscriber against someone certified by ICD as a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization® (CPO-CD®).
Compliance with the Code of Ethics is a condition for retaining one's certification as a CPO-CD®.

Adopted by the ICD Board of Directors July 10, 2009, and updated September 13, 2019.

¹ Wording used with permission of the Board of Certified Professional Organizers

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